For Immediate Release

September 4, 2024

The Mill Joins Partners to Build Entrepreneurship in Africa

— First Pan-African Course Slated to Reach Hundreds of Participants in 28 Countries

This week with support from The Mill, De-Africa will launch a hands-on entrepreneurship experience for more than 389 participants in 28 countries throughout Africa.

“I am eager to embark on this new entrepreneurship course to further develop my abilities and contribute to my community’s growth,” shared Winniefred Mulungi from Kigali, Rwanda. “This new entrepreneurship course facilitated by The Mill is yet another step towards fulfilling the DeAfrica mission of empowering people across Africa through innovative and accessible education.”

Providing life-changing opportunities for his countrymen and others throughout the continent has been the mission for over a decade of Sidiki Traore of Mali, Founder of Distance Education in Africa. Through a partnership with the University of Virginia’s Darden School of Business, Traore’, an IU Alumni, has enhanced many lives among his 60,000 students.

Now, in partnership with The Mill, and his long-time friend and colleague, Alan Blankstein, Founder of Solution Tree, the HOPE Foundation, and the National Center for Education and Innovation, Traore’ will open a new chapter for his students and for the continent as well. “When Alan told me about the amazing work of The Mill, I was so enthused to bring this expertise to bear throughout Africa. It can be a real game-changer for everyone.”

The course will be offered in 28 countries within the De-Africa Network via a curriculum and technology already utilized by Andy Lehman, Head of Accelerator Programming, at the Mill. “This partnership is exciting for our team and directly aligns with our mission to equip entrepreneurs and build and nurture startup ecosystems. ” shared Lehman.

The concept of greatly enhancing Africans’ capacity to start and own their own businesses is rooted in the relationship Traore’ and Blankstein established when they were both students at Indiana University in 1986 – Traore’ in Linguistics and Blankstein as an MBA. Blankstein began extensive travel then to W. Africa, and years later to South Africa with his Honorary Chair and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Arch Bishop Desmond Tutu. “We believe Africa should be owned by Africans – not by multi-nationals, or a new wave of 21C Colonizers,” shared Blankstein. “We are grateful for the broad-base of support we’ve found among smart, practical, and good-hearted people at The Mill, IU, Ivy Tech and beyond who share in this long-term vision.”

For more information, please contact

Sidiki Traore, President and Founder of Distance Education For Africa (DeAfrica)